Check out a detailed report of our development!
We’ve Got Issues was the Master’s Project for two of its developers, William Jeffery and Greg Kozma at Michigan State University. Along with creating the game, they also wrote a detailed design document that covered the development history of WGI. The document serves as a retelling of the design process of We’ve Got Issues from the projects inception in 2013. Here we dive into the many milestones of the project and how our team has adapted to criticism and move forward throughout development. There have been many iterations, challenges and breakthroughs along the way that are further detailed in the document.
We attempted to cover the entire development history of the game, with many of the early development details coming from memory. The document also includes early images and designs of our cards, better showing how our game has changed and evolved over time.
Our hope is that by reading this document you will better understand our design decisions and motivations and learn from the insights that we discovered throughout the development of We’ve Got Issues!